MTECH-Computer Science and Engineering Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence developer
Deep Learning Computer Vision Artificial Intelligence custom developed/trained model to recognise cursive handwritten or typped all type of complex image.
Deep Learning Computer Vision Object Detection A model to detection reason of interest from a large PDF, trained with very few images.
Deep Learning Computer Vision Object Detection .
Deep Learning Computer Vision Automatic Indian-license plate detection and recognition.
Deep Learning Computer Vision Counted number of boxes in pallet boxes though object detection and mathematics. Achieve 90% accuracy..
Deep Learning Computer Vision • Factory/Cold Storage Pallet Boxes Detection, label detection on box and extraction of useful text using Artificial intelligence.
Covid’19 Computer Vision Complete solution for corona pandemic which having Person recognition, Dynamic social distance calculation, face mask/no-mask detection, person identity recognition, PPE kit detection. Achieved maximum accuracy with speed in all the artificial intelligence models..
Deep Learning Blog To integrate model in ALTECK AI camera And PERONI 5G device.
Data Science Achieved maximum accuracy in face detection as well recognition, capable to recognize from more the 30 feet, capable to recognize person registered with minimum one image. Capable to recognize person with mask/half covered face.
Data Science Deep Learning Computer Vision Auto-annotation for large data sets for object-detection/Charcter-recognition.
Deep Learning Computer Vision Achieved maximum face counts.
Deep Learning Computer Vision AI engine to detect incoming and outgoing vehicle and count the number of vehicles.
Deep Learning Computer Vision Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence in Finance.
Deep Learning Computer Vision Artificial Intelligence AI framework for their upcoming Camera line (Dashcam & Cabin Monitoring Cam) and they want to monitor the Driver Behavior with respect to unsafe driving and the Neural Net can classify the driver actions in to 10 categories.